Let’s start by breaking down the word oleo-pneumatic.

Oleo means "oil", and pneumatic means "containing air or gas under pressure."

Oleo-pneumatic technology was originally developed more than a century ago, to cope with the serious kickback of the Vickers machine guns. The idea was to absorb those violent and repetitive shocks that would occur while firing over and over.

Advancing to the period between 1915 and the 1930s, oleo-pneumatic technology began making significant impacts in both the French automotive and aeronautical industries.

The first cars equipped with this technology were developed by French engineer Georges Dassier in 1915, and the initial oleo-pneumatic landing gear for aircraft emerged around the 1930s.

The tech has come a long way since the early 1900s, but it's still the go-to solution when you're dealing with a heavy load and lots of oscillations in the terrain.​ And by the way, almost every commercial and governmental aircraft still uses oleo struts in their landing gears. It's a rock-solid technology that has stood the test of time.


Let’s start by breaking down the word oleo-pneumatic.

Oleo means "oil", and pneumatic means "containing air or gas under pressure."

Oleo-pneumatic technology was originally developed more than a century ago, to cope with the serious kickback of the Vickers machine guns. The idea was to absorb those violent and repetitive shocks that would occur while firing over and over.

Advancing to the period between 1915 and the 1930s, oleo-pneumatic technology began making significant impacts in both the French automotive and aeronautical industries.

The first cars equipped with this technology were developed by French engineer Georges Dassier in 1915, and the initial oleo-pneumatic landing gear for aircraft emerged around the 1930s.

The tech has come a long way since the early 1900s, but it's still the go-to solution when you're dealing with a heavy load and lots of oscillations in the terrain.​ And by the way, almost every commercial and governmental aircraft still uses oleo struts in their landing gears. It's a rock-solid technology that has stood the test of time.


Nimbus oleo-pneumatic suspensions absorb and dissipate shock loads using a combination of hydraulic fluid (oil) and gas (nitrogen) inside the chamber.​

The gas functions as a spring. It is compressed by the oil to absorb the impact of bumps.

The oil is directed through spring-loaded flaps and orifices to allow for different responses from the shock based on your desired driving settings. Increasing or decreasing the pressure adjusts the spring rate.​

The oil, therefore, restricted by the flaps and orifices, acts to dampen the movement of the piston assembly during shock absorption and recoil.


Nimbus oleo-pneumatic suspensions absorb and dissipate shock loads using a combination of hydraulic fluid (oil) and gas (nitrogen) inside the chamber.​

The gas functions as a spring. It is compressed by the oil to absorb the impact of bumps.

The oil is directed through spring-loaded flaps and orifices to allow for different responses from the shock based on your desired driving settings. Increasing or decreasing the pressure adjusts the spring rate.​

The oil, therefore, restricted by the flaps and orifices, acts to dampen the movement of the piston assembly during shock absorption and recoil.


Instead of having a regular helicoidal spring — a mainstream metal spring with a constant spring rate — we’ve replaced it with a pneumatic spring, compressed gas contained inside the tube that mixes with the oil to absorb and dissipate shocks.


Instead of having a regular helicoidal spring — a mainstream metal spring with a constant spring rate — we’ve replaced it with a pneumatic spring, compressed gas contained inside the tube that mixes with the oil to absorb and dissipate shocks.


It's easy to feel the benefits of oleo-pneumatic technology versus more conventional suspensions.

We chose the name Nimbus because driving a vehicle equipped with our suspensions feels like floating on a cloud. The “flying carpet effect” comes from the fact that air and oil compression are progressive — not linear, like metal shock absorbers.

Small bumps generate a soft quick response, almost annihilating them, where big bumps get a much stronger response, knowing that it’s virtually impossible for them to bottom out.


It's easy to feel the benefits of oleo-pneumatic technology versus more conventional suspensions.

We chose the name Nimbus because driving a vehicle equipped with our suspensions feels like floating on a cloud. The “flying carpet effect” comes from the fact that air and oil compression are progressive — not linear, like metal shock absorbers.

Small bumps generate a soft quick response, almost annihilating them, where big bumps get a much stronger response, knowing that it’s virtually impossible for them to bottom out.


confort amélioré

La combinaison air et huile popularisée par Citroën et plus tard, Mercedes et Rolls Royce, offre un confort de conduite incomparable. La technologie oléopneumatique de Nimbus absorbe les petites imperfections de la route tout comme les pièges en tout-terrain, à haute comme à basse vitesse.


Les suspensions Nimbus offrent une adhérence et une capacité traction exceptionnelles grâce à un rebond ultra-rapide qui vient coller la roue au sol bien plus vite que les suspensions traditionnelles. Ainsi, le véhicule transforme mieux l'énergie en mouvement, améliorant ainsi la motricité, les performances et la sécurité de l'ensemble.

100% adaptables

Vos suspensions sont fabriquées sur mesure pour votre véhicule, et pour l'usage que vous souhaitez en faire. Mais à tout moment, la pression de l’air peut être ajustée, garantissant ainsi le même confort et les mêmes performances, quelle que soit la charge du véhicule et votre style de conduite.

haute sensibilité

Les suspensions Nimbus offrent une courbe de compression progressive avec une sensibilité accrue en début de course, qui vient absorber les petites imperfections du revêtement. C'est ce qui provoque cette sensation de flottement totalement contrôlé avec l'effet dit "Tapis Volant" ou "Nuage".

absence de talonnage

L’air est l'ingrédient secret qui empêche les suspensions de talonner même dans des conditions extrêmes. Là où les amortisseurs conventionnels apportent une réponse quasiment linéraire, les amortisseurs oléopneumatiques vont s'adapter à chaque sollicitation, les plus douces comme les plus violentes, empêchant ainsi tout talonnage.


Les suspensions Nimbus sont plus légères que la plupart des systèmes de suspension conventionnels. L’utilisation d’aluminium de très haute qualité et d'autres matériaux venant, entre autres, de l'aérospatiale, nous permet de réduire le poids de nos produits tout en offrant une solidité et une résistance à la corrosion exceptionnelles.


Air functions as a cushion, delivering extraordinary comfort — like driving on a cloud. With oleo-pneumatic technology, road bumps or gravel become imperceptible as they are effectively absorbed by the air.


Nimbus provides exceptional grip and traction by incorporating softer damping during compression-damping transitional phases. This results in efficient filtering and significant dampening of minor road imperfections.


Air provides a progressive absorption curve, with heightened sensitivity at the beginning of the stroke (providing a cushion-like effect), and gradually becoming firmer the more you push.


The air pressure can be adjusted at any point to accommodate a greater load or specific driving requirements/ preferences, all while ensuring optimal comfort and performance remain unaffected.


Using air improves the curve of absorption. Conventional metal spring shocks have a constant (linear) curve, while oleo-pneumatic shocks are more adaptive. Our progressive curve ends in a straight line, meaning you won’t bottom out.


With Nimbus, you’ll experience significant weight savings compared to conventional suspensions. Using the highest grade aluminum allows us to cut down weight while retaining an exceptionally strong structure.

Why Nitrogen?

The durability and reactivity of gas - in Nimbus case, Nitrogen - is almost infinite.

Today or in 10 years, the physical and chemical properties of the gas inside that shock will remain the same, therefore, it never has to be replaced.

Do you have questions about oleo-pneumatic technology? Wondering whether Nimbus is right for your vehicle? Just want to say hi? We'd love to chat!


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Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418 | USA

+1 (561) 786-2190

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4006 Feagan St, Unit D

Houston, TX 77007 | USA

+1 (832) 840-9837

Nimbus France

11 Bis, chemin de Perbost

31800 Labarthe-Inard | France

+33 5 31 51 10 20

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